
Slid 14-day Study Habit Challenge

Join over 80,000 learners who have experienced the benefits of Slid

Cut your note-taking time in half, while increasing you focus and study efficiency a tenfold!

Breeze through all the pending lectures in just a day with the help of Smart-Live Text and Image Text Grab!

Utilize AI-powered note summarization, to easily grasp even the most challenging lectures!

Kickstart your journey with Slid’s 14-day Study Habit Challenge.

Dedicate just 5 minutes a day for 14 days to take lecture notes using Slid. Develop study habits and win exciting prizes!

How to Join

The challenge starts immediately upon installing Slid and opening the note page.
After 5 minutes, click the study end button to mark your completion.
Track your progress in the 14-day challenge and find today's inspirational quote. Join the challenge again tomorrow!

Prize details

Excellent Graduates

Become an excellent graduate by studying for at least 6 out of 14 days, for just 5 minutes per day, and completing the challenge!
Receive a digital certificate of achievement

Basic Graduates

Even if you don’t achieve the excellent graduate status, you can still become a basic graduate by committing to the full 14-day challenge with Slid.
Note: If you want to restart the challenge, you can purchase a restart ticket.

Challenge digital certificate

Excellent graduates who successfully complete the challenge will be awarded a prestigious digital certificate.
Receiving a certificate with your name on it not only provides a tangible sense of achievement, but it also boosts your confidence in your study endeavors.
Additionally, it serves as an excellent keepsake for printing and adorning your room, showcasing your dedication to personal growth and learning

How to receive prize

Click Challenge digital certificate button on Customer Support chat. We’ll send an email with a certificate with your name on it!
Slid Customer Support Shortcut


Q: Is there a specific deadline to join the challenge?
A: You can join the 14-day Study Habit Challenge at any time. It is an ongoing event with no fixed duration.
Q: How can I participate in the challenge?
A: Simply sign up for Slid to start the challenge!
Q: Can existing users take part in the challenge?
A: Unfortunately, the challenge is not available to existing users who signed up before the (release date).
Q: Can I pause the challenge or extend its duration?
A: The challenge cannot be paused once it has started. However, even if you don't reach your goal, you can try again! We offer a discounted retry pass for the challenge at $4.99 (original price $9.99) for one attempt. Contact Slid's customer support chat to purchase a retry pass.
Q: Can I participate in the challenge again after I successfully complete it?
A: Once you have achieved the status of an excellent graduate in the challenge, you cannot participate again.
Q: I forgot to click the completion check and closed the note page. What should I do?
A: If you accidentally closed the note page before clicking the completion check, don't worry. You can simply study again with Slid notes for 5 minutes and then perform the completion check.
Q: Can I continue using Slid after the challenge ends?
A: Absolutely! You can continue using Slid with a membership even after the challenge is over. If you choose not to purchase a membership, you can still access and review the notes you created during the challenge.
Q: I reached my study goal before the challenge deadline. Can I receive the certificate in advance?
A: We appreciate your enthusiasm for studying! However, since the main objective of the challenge is to develop a consistent study habit, we encourage you to continue studying with Slid for the remaining time in order to receive the certificate.
Q: Do you have any other questions?
A: Feel free to reach out to our customer support chat whenever you have any inquiries. Our customer support manager is well-known for providing quick and friendly responses!